Daily Prompt- Clone Wars

This post is in response to the DAILY PROMPT by The Daily Post
If you could clone yourself, how would you split up your responsibilities?

Clone Wars
Life is so busy that sometimes I think that it would have been great if we could have 25 hours a day. If could clone myself, I would have programmed my clone to perform all the mandatory but less interesting tasks of my life such as attending classes at college, undertaking class assignments, cooking food, etc whereas I would do the tasks which are important to me right now. I ll have less time to waste. I could give more time to studies and gain knowledge. My clone could even wash my clothes for me and tidy my room for me. 🙂 I wish I could just sit aback and sleep 10 hours a day. I would have also given more time to my blog. Overall, my clone would have made my life more leisurely.