Daily Prompt- First Light

This post is in response to the DAILY PROMPT by The Daily Post
Remember when you wrote down the first thought you had this morning? Great. Now write a post about it.
First Light
I found this prompt quite interesting cause I woke up with a smile today. As I opened my eyes, I decided to stay on the bed for another hour forcing myself to continue the incomplete dream of mine.
I dreamt of being rich. It was really an awesome feeling to overcome the financial problem and enjoy shopping. I saw myself not caring about my budget and continue shopping in one of those malls where all I could do is window shopping. The carefree smile of my parents, the freedom to choose items by not bothering the price tag made me happier than ever. 🙂 But after an hour of being under the blanket I realized the reality. I am not employed yet. I am still a student. To become this rich, I need to do nothing but work hard. 😦