Daily Prompt- Five a Day

This post is in response to the DAILY PROMPT by The Daily Post
You’ve being exiled to a private island, and your captors will only supply you with five foods. What do you pick?
Five a Day
Being exiled to a private island is something unimaginable. 😀
So if I were to select five foods, I would select
1) potato chips
2) chocolates
3) cheese pizza
4) vegetable salad
And the most important one.
5) water

An outline to Life’s Journey

Here is a limerick. Maybe a little stupid as you readers would think, but as I am new to poetry, I had a tough time writing this one.
Journey, Limerick, Alliteration

As the law of nature asserts
We need to survive even if life is a desert.
The journey is to test your persistence
So that you find the reason of your existence.
And learn to hold on if you are hurt.

Life awaits happiness always.
And searches for beautiful ways.
Once our mind starts for revenge
We gradually learn to fight and challenge
Finally proving what rule of life says.


Life is a journey up and down
Where you ll find smiles less than frown.
Try stand still and see life continues
So act before you change your views
Else you ll end up being a clown.